Partner n°5, supports policy and stakeholder dialogue and be local partner of MTA ATK on case study Kebele Catchment. OVF is involved in WP1 Case studies and harmonised multi-actor approach, WP2 Measures and indicators, WP6 Synthesis and policy recommendation, and will support the modelling activities with input data.
Dr. Ilona Kasa

Physical geography, hydrologist at OVF Department of Irrigation at the Department of Water-supply, Inland Water and Irrigation kasa.ilona@ovf.hu
Peter Molnar

Environmental, flood and excess water management engineer at the Department of Water-supply, Inland Water and Irrigation, molnar.peter@ovf.hu
Dr. Eszter Forró-Rózsa

agricultural engineer at OVF Department of Water-supply, Inland Water and Irrigation forro.rozsa.eszter@ovf.hu