Partner n°8, leads WP6 Synthesis and policy recommendation and contributes to WP3 Retrieval of modelling data and solutions to overcome data scarcity to WP5 Optimisation of NSWRM plans. UL leads the Slovenian case study.
Dr. Matjaž Glavan

assistant professor in environmental planning at Biotechnical Faculty of UL, Matjaz.Glavan@bf.uni-lj.si
University of Ljubljana (UL)
Dr. Mateja Škerjanec

teaching assistant of Environmental Engineering at Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy of UL, mateja.skerjanec@fgg.uni-lj.si
University of Ljubljana (UL)
Miha Curk

PhD student (agronomy), contributing to the Slovenian case study sites and catchment scale modeling, Miha.Curk@bf.uni-lj.si