Under chapter IV, the INSPIRE Directive requires to establish network services and the article 11 lists the 5 services to implement, namely discover, view, download, transform and invoke services.
NOTA: the platform refers to discover here as for non Inspire expert, discover means possibility to explore available data and the concept of metadata is not well known.
On this section, you can access to pages providing discovery and view services , which means:
- You can access an information fiche for each key geographical component of the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (91/271/EEC) describing in details what can be found, when and who updates the data and many more.
- You can visualise the data via maps, graphs and summary tables and individual fiches, navigate in the system, print, download and many more.
- The agglomerations with details on:
- The waste water treatment plants with details on:
- The discharge points with details on localisation of the discharge points
- The receiving areas with details on delineation and localisation.