This UWWTD SIIF toolbox is developed by Office International de l’Eau (OiEau) for the European Commission Directorate General Environment.
It was primarily developed under Specific contract n°07.0307/2012/638595/D2. It was then maintained and enhanced under specific contracts n° 07.0307/2013/SFRA/669101/ENV.C.2 and n°07.0201/2014/SFRA/698614/ENV.C.2 implementing Framework Service Contract n°ENV.D.2/FRA/2012/0013. It was then extended to all European Member States under specific contract No. 07.0201/2016/SFRA/735889/ENV.C.2 implementing Framework Service Contract No. ENV.C.2/2016/FRA/0032. It was then maintained and enhanced under specific contract 070201/2018/787684/SFRA/ENV.C.2 implementing Framework Service Contract n° ENV.C.1/FRA/2016/0014 and is now maintained and enhanced under Service Contract 07.0201/2020/833549/SER/ENV.C.2
It is developed using a set of open source software.
A generic version together with instruction for installation and use can be found here
Copyrights UWWTD-SIIF website by Office International de l'Eau is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International License.