The end of SIIF : The UWWTD-SIIF is stopped. For all UWWTD related information please see the EEA website



This UWWTD SIIF toolbox is developed by Office International de l’Eau (OiEau) for the European Commission Directorate General Environment.

It was primarily developed under Specific contract n°07.0307/2012/638595/D2. It was then maintained and enhanced under specific contracts n° 07.0307/2013/SFRA/669101/ENV.C.2 and n°07.0201/2014/SFRA/698614/ENV.C.2 implementing Framework Service Contract n°ENV.D.2/FRA/2012/0013. It was then extended to all European Member States under specific contract No. 07.0201/2016/SFRA/735889/ENV.C.2 implementing Framework Service Contract No. ENV.C.2/2016/FRA/0032. It was then maintained and enhanced under specific contract 070201/2018/787684/SFRA/ENV.C.2 implementing Framework Service Contract n° ENV.C.1/FRA/2016/0014 and is now maintained and enhanced under Service Contract 07.0201/2020/833549/SER/ENV.C.2

It is developed using a set of open source software.

A generic version together with instruction for installation and use can be found here

Copyrights UWWTD-SIIF website by Office International de l'Eau is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International License.
